
Bob Eco unveiled Model X—the ultimate strategic motorcycle, which was developed by Bob Eco and Jincheng Suzuki for the African continent.

Bob Eco signed a 200-million-dollar deal with Jincheng Suzuki for annual volumes reaching 200,000.

Bob Eco received full support from UNITAR—the United Nations Institute for Training and Research—to develop and promote many of its goals.

Bob Eco launched the BobCoin through a security token offering (STO) on the secondary market (STO-Cap). Investors took a 25% stake in Bob Eco for tens of millions of USD.

Bob Eco began regular production of the electric model, EAX-100. This was a milestone for Bob Eco and a watershed for the new era of electric vehicles.

Bob Ultee revealed Bob Eco’s Master Plan, clarifying Bob Eco’s mission — to speed up the adoption of an “electric economy.”

Quasi ratione.

In Q2 of 2017, Bob Eco started when the founders began providing small loans to individuals across emerging markets.

Culpa reiciendis placeat et.

Molestiae laborum dolor quod.

Ex laborum dolores inventore.